Photo of rodolfo pineda Colombia

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RODOLFO PINEDA born in 1956 in Puerto Berrio Antioquia and Santander Charala bred descendant of a large family of artists with whom Santander began at the age of 11 years preparing his paintings and models with waste from the paintings on their pallets performed their own works which has its first 2 works made in 1968 in private collection. then I went in Bogota admitted in his studio there were large hermes mestres...

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39.37 x 27.56 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
35.43 x 31.50 in
59.06 x 39.37 in
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Photo of rodolfo pineda Colombia

RODOLFO PINEDA born in 1956 in Puerto Berrio Antioquia and Santander Charala bred descendant of a large family of artists with whom Santander began at the age of 11 years preparing his paintings and models with waste from the paintings on their pallets performed their own works which has its first 2 works made in 1968 in private collection. then I went in Bogota admitted in his studio there were large hermes mestres pinto, yolanda pinto, pinto beto Guillermo Espinoza, Ramon Miguel Angarita and also the master jaime pinto pinto. and artistic precursor was hermes paint. started with charcoal drawings from the age of 7 years in colleges and schools that emerged as one of the best artists and much appreciated by their teachers for my artistic ability was his first exhibition there in the famous wall of Bogota the 1980. his best portraits were those of the murdered politician Luis Carlos Galan Sarmiento is mid currently displayed in the Government of Santander for which was chosen from 40 artists for the preparation of this work. the inspiration for his landscapes and still lifes were inspired by his people and the people of their land Charala santander which was raised as a child. are 48 years dedicated to art in Colombia and throughout Latin America, is currently carrying out different works of art which include oil art, modern art or abstract, charcoals, portraits, caricatures, which are being displayed in different places Colombia.


. Gallery the Paredón Bogota (1980)

. Pen Gallery (1982)

. Exhibition Hall Consulate of Venezuela in Cucuta (1982)

. Reading Room First lounge bicentenary of the birth of the Liberator San cristobal Venezuela (1983)

. Seguros Orinoco Caracas Venezuela (1983)

. Medical School in San Cristobal Venezuela (1984)

. SENA in Pamplona Norte de Santander (1984)

. Gallery the Vilon Bogotá (1984)

. Hotel tonchalá in Cúcuta (1985 and 1995)

. Santander House Bogota (1988 and 1989)

. Artists Hall of Santander Bogotá (1990)

. Salon Amour Sain Bogotá (1990)

. Oxy Petroleum Company Bogota (1991 and 1994)

. Executives Club of Bogotá (1991)

. Cúcuta Chamber of Commerce (1992 - 1993 AND 1996)

. Municipal Cultural Center in Cúcuta (1993)

. Cúcuta Trade Club (1994)

. Cultural Hall - Palacio de Gobierno Cúcuta (1994)

. Hotel el Saman Cúcuta (1994)

. Municipal Cultural Center (1994)

. Chinacota Fair (1994)

. Casa de la Cultura Cúcuta (1995 and 1997)

. Barrancabermeja ECOPETROL Salon (1997)

. Collective Exhibition Charalá Santander Casa de la Cultura Pacho Benavides (2000 and 2002)

. Collective Exhibition Duitama (2004)

. Group exhibition at the House of Culture Charalá (2007 and 2010)

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